Skin Care For Adult Women With Acne


Acne affects some 25% of men and 50% of women at some point in their adult lives. The treatment of acne can be difficult for some women who also want to pay attention to moisturizing their skin.

Acne in women can be brought on by many different factors. Some are easy to figure out. The use of heavy cosmetics can bring on acne. This is simply remedied now. There are many new cosmetics on the market today which are non-comedogenic, meaning they won’t clog pores. Also foundations are much lighter than they used to be. Some powder foundations are now made with minerals, which are much lighter than heavy liquid foundations.

The use of some hair products can bring on acne. A simple and effective way to avoid acne due to hair products is to pull your hair back off of your face. Pull you bangs back so hair care products do not come into contact with your skin, especially during the hot summer months.

Acne in women can also be brought on my hormonal changes such as those associated with pregnancy. This means that the acne will go away after childbirth. Some medications can bring on acne. Some birth control pills can bring on acne. If you notice an acne flair-up after starting any new medication talk to your doctor.

There are many different types of acne treatments on the market. A spot treatment with a topical product, such as a benzoyl peroxide or glycolic acid may be in order for you and may be effective. If your acne is wide spread a visit to the dermatologist might be in order. He will have more suggestions and may start you on an oral antibiotic.

There are moisturizers and cleansers out now that take into account the needs of maturing skin along with being effective against acne. Remember, the over use of any drying agent on the skin can actually cause the production of more oil, and more acne, a catch 22. Make sure that you follow the skin care regimen suggested by the manufacturer of any product you use. Regular facials can help to reduce acne flair ups. The aesthetician will evaluate your individual skin care needs and come up with a program suited to them. It may take 2-3 weeks of following any over-the-counter regimen before you see a difference in acne.