Take Care Of Your Ears


There are many things in life to think about and even even more things to take care of as you get older. Adults have so many responsibilities that they must handle in life, it is hard for us to keep track of everything for ourselves let alone for our families. One of the most important things that each human is responsible for is their body and their health, and ears are one thing that is often overlooked.

When you think about taking care of your health, how many of us really take time to consider the importance of our ears or of taking care of our ears? Probably not too many. Why? Because I think that for the most part we take our ears, like so many other parts of our health, for granted. I think another reason why we are not careful about our ears is because it is rare to hear of someone having ear problems, so we figure we will not have any problems either.

I met someone with an unlikely story that changed my perspective of taking care of my ears. Like many other people I know, this person was careless when it came to ear health. She never cleaned out her ears or removed the wax that would constantly build up in her ear cannals, and she would never protect her ears when she spent a lot of time in the water.

To make a long story short, this woman ended up losing hearing in both of her ears simply because she didn’t take care of them in everyday ways. Now, I know this story isn’t typical, but it also isn’t an isolated situation. I am writing simply to alert people to the importance of taking care of their ears on a regular basis.

Get in a for a physical and don’t let your physician pass by your ears without giving them a full check. And take care of your ears. Get regular cleanings and wax removal, and be careful with your ears especially if you spend a lot of time in the water or around really loud music. You might be surprised how much loud noise affects hearing.

Your ears are one of your most important posessions, and hence, one of your most important responsibilities. So start today taking care of them with the attention that they deserve. It’s for your good and so you’ll still be able to hear well many years down the road.