Take Care Of Your Teeth


By now we are all aware of the importance of keeping ourselves in good health. Anyone who has a television or access to the internet knows that our health is one of the most valuable things we have. We frequently hear about the importance of watching our weight, watching our caloric intact and of staying away from too much fat, but how often do we hear a warning about the importance of taking care of our teeth?

Maybe I come by caring about teeth honestly since I am the daughter of a dentist and now the wife of a dentist. Regardless, I am concerned about the lack of concern I see all around me about teeth. I see far too many people sucking down sugar-filled drinks all day long without taking the time to brush their teeth or think about what they are doing for the health of their teeth.

One of the most basic ways you can take a step towards taking better care of your teeth is to get a dental check up with a dentist. I know, many people hate going to the dentist for fear of what will happen there, but I guarentee that you will be glad to get a check up and a cleaning once you have done it. Look for a good dentist in your area in the newspaper, phonebook, through an online search, or by talking with friends. Just find yourself a dentist and make a visit. It is the best way to begin a lifetime of caring for your teeth.

A second step to taking care of your teeth is to brush them regularly. It sounds simple and obvious, I know, but you might be shocked to realize how few people actually brush their teeth regularly. I know too many people (children, teens and adults included) that brush once a day or less! Sound disgusting? It is! You should be brushing your teeth a minimum of twice a day. Begin making good teeth habits now by making yourself brush when you get up in the morning and before you go to bed at night.

Flossing is a third important element to good teeth care. I didn’t start flossing regularly until I was an adult, but since I started I just cannot stop. Flossing is a small thing that makes a huge difference. Caring for your teeth in such a detailed way is a reflection about the level of care you have for your body and your health.