Toenail Fungus- Toenail Fungus Treatments That Work and Those That Dont


The basic premise behind this odd sounding natural toenail fungus treatment is to soften nails with beer, create an acidic environment with vinegar which is beneficial to good bacteria and deadly to fungus and then penetrate nails with specific beneficial bacteria to help kill and prevent further recurrences.

Essential Ingredients:

Acidophilus Sachets containing a specific strain of 125 billion organisms.

Guiness Stout beer or any other dark beer (Guiness is the one proven to work).

White Vinegar

Basin big enough for your feet or hands


Persistence and Consistency

Natural Toenail Fungus Treatment Procedure:

In tub, pour 1 liter of room temperature beer into a basin

Add 1/2 a sachet which is 60 billion acidophilus and other strains.

Add 1 liter of White vinegar

Soak clean feet in the solution for 30 minutes before bed or when best for you.

On removing your feet or fingernails from the basin, file the nails down with a pumice stone or file

After each 3rd day, toss out the entire solution mixture and remake using the formula: 1 liter of white vinegar, 1 liter of dark beer and the remaining half of one sachet. This keeps the solution’s ingredients in active live form. If too old, it will not work.

Repeat for 30 days every day. Do not skip a day for best results.

Do twice a day for faster results

What to look for:

As fungus gets killed by this natural toenail fungus treatment, you will notice new nail growth from the nail base coming in clear. This is a good sign. Some people see clearing at the base within one week and some people see clearing at the base in one month. It all depends on how fast your nails grow and how often you soak them.

Make sure you do this toenail fungus treatment daily. Make it a routine. Watch some TV, read a book or wash the dishes for 30 minutes.

If you know your nails grow slowly, then consider MSM or Silicea 6x cell salts as they have shown to increase nail growth.

This anti-fungal protocol is an excellent way to help prevent liver damage via Lamisil.

I estimated the total cost of this procedure to be about $200.00 That is very inexpensive compared to Lamisil – and much healthier to your liver.

Even if you drink a couple Guiness Stout while you do the soak – it may still be safer than Lamisil on your liver. 🙂

I have had over 42,000 people read this information and a decent percentage email me. It is great to hear that this treatment is working well.

I had one elderly woman with long term fungal toenails report excellent results.

She also had an unexpected benefit: her plantar warts fell out from the bottom of her feet allowing her to walk comfortably for the first time in years.

Give it a shot – it is safe, effective, inexpensive. Yes it takes some work, but popping a liver toxic Lamisil pill for 3 months daily also takes work – especially repairing the damaged liver. You only get one liver.

An immunology professor, Dr Sheryl Berman, PhD, did a study on about 35 different acidophilus companies and found that only one had the actual amount of live bacteria it claimed in the container – some of the companies stated 1 billion live bacteria per capsule and contained…none. The sachets that I provide claim 125 billion per sachet and at manufacturing have 170 billion.

Choosing a different dark beer that is less expensive may hinder your success. I have not had reports of other effective dark beers so I am not sure. You can give it a shot but you are only saving a few bucks while investing 30 days of soaking. That is pennies per day extra. Worth the risk? If you have time, it would be good to know if the others worked…if they do, let me know 🙂

You may find the link to the Acidophilus Sachets below in the Resource Box- along with the MSM and Silicea cell salt.

Should you have questions, please comment. I’m here to answer them and help your nails recover!

Enjoy healthy nails once again! It’s summer – put on those sandals!

Dr Ben, ND

Please note: Fungus is due to either a weak immune system, trauma to the nail area, high refined carbohydrate diet or recent or long term use of antibiotics.

That said, taking one sachet in a glass of water before dinner for 14 days helps restore healthy gut bacteria which likely has a direct impact on proper immune function, may help combat fungus internally and externally long term and reduce refined carbohydrate and sugar cravings as the ‘bad’ bacteria which do crave sugar will be wiped out by the beneficial bacteria. So taking the sachets internally for one week, soaking for a few months, changing your diet, building your immune system and not bashing your nails will likely improve your fungus situation.

A mild headache may occur while taking the sachets internally. Taking vitamin C usually helps. The headache is usually due to the ‘die-off’ reaction from unhealthy bacteria being killed by the healthy pro biotic found in the sachets.