What Body Building Foods Should I Be Eating


When body building, foods are important in your eventual success. A lot of people believe that working out means you can eat what you like whenever you like. This is not the case. You need to be as disciplined in your food choices as you will be in your exercise plan.

Your body will need additional carbohydrates and proteins but this doesn’t mean you can eat loads of cakes. It is complex carbs that your body needs not simple sugars. Eating cakes and chips will play havoc with your blood sugar sending your body into alternate highs and crashes. This only leads to craving more of the same bad foods so they are best avoided altogether. As a rough guide up to 50% of your calorie intake should come from complex carbohydrates like whole grains.

You will need to eat some protein but it will account for less than 25% of total calories. Eggs, chicken and turkey are all good sources. Your fellow bodybuilders may suggest that you take a protein supplement but unless you are really working out, this is probably not necessary. Most bodybuilders overestimate their need for protein and too much of this food will put pressure on your kidneys. Everything in moderation is the key to remember when considering body building foods.

You should fill up on vegetables in as wide a variety as possible. Think colors of the rainbow and try to incorporate different colors every day. Also think of vegetable protein sources such as tofu, kidney beans etc. Nuts and seeds are excellent snacks. Eat plenty of fruit and drink lots of water as well to keep the body hydrated. Don’t overdo it though as you will interfere with sodium production.

You should aim to eat at least 5 or 6 small meals every day with most containing a mixture of carbs, proteins and some essential healthy fats. Keep away from saturated fats i.e. those that you find in take aways and processed meals. Think tuna, sardines, nuts and seeds as they are great sources of omega 3 and 6 fats. Try to steer clear of energy bars or sports drinks. Yes they can be useful if you crave carbohydrates after a workout but they can also be a source of sugar. Eating a tuna sandwich or a banana a will have the same effect. It is a good idea to eat a small meal of carbs and protein after working out so you can feed your muscles and also replace the energy you have just used.

Don’t cut out low fat dairy products either. Women in particular need this source of calcium to help stave off brittle bone disease in later life. Body building foods are all part of the healthy eating plan so in addition to eating the right ones, make sure you cook them correctly too. No more deep frying. Where possible steam or bake your food to preserve the vitamins and nutrients you need to fuel your new body.