Where Can You Buy Anabolic Steroids?


You can’t buy anabolic steroids frankly nowadays. You guys often have problems, whenever you go out to buy anabolic steroids. You know, it wasn’t that difficult to buy anabolic steroids a couple of decades ago, but classification of anabolic steroids as a controlled substance in the early 1990’s has really made the things difficult for you guys. In 1980s, you could easily find sympathetic doctors who would easily prescribe anabolic steroids to you.

However now, most of your doctors now avoid prescribing anything like anabolic steroids even for legitimate medical reasons. Actually, your doctors are scared of getting into trouble. You know, the penalties are just too harsh. In the United States, it is illegal and punishable federal crime to USE/POSSESS/DISTRIBUTE anabolic steroids without a prescription from a doctor.

But yes, you can buy anabolic steroids these days, but you have to be little sly. You normally have two main options to buy anabolic steroids physician or black market. Physicians, you know, avoid getting into trouble. Thus in such state, you guys often turn to steroid suppliers on the black market for your anabolic steroids. The market has always been there to help you bodybuilding guys to buy anabolic steroids and other drugs.

The majority of anabolic steroids that you buy from the black market are Mexican steroids. Mexico is known for making cheap steroids. You can travel to Mexico to spend vacation and buy anabolic steroids. But, you need to be very careful while bring them to United States. These steroids are often cheap and are smuggled into the U.S., from where they are bootlegged throughout the North American continent.

You can buy anabolic steroids in California, but very carefully. California is one of the major centers of black market of anabolic steroids. From California, anabolic steroids are usually distributed to anabolic steroid suppliers in other U.S. states or Canada. You usually receive anabolic steroids by mail or by courier, if you buy anabolic steroids in California.

You still have another safer way to buy anabolic steroids. That is, to buy anabolic steroids online. There are numerous pharmacies online that sell anabolic steroids freely online, but you should buy anabolic steroids from a reputed and a reliable online steroid store.