Why You May Want A Power Wheelchair


Wheelchairs have been built in order to help people who cannot move by themselves. The simple initial device has been later on motorized and improved to enable handicapped persons perform more tasks. There are two basic types of wheelchairs: the manual wheelchair and the power wheelchair. Some lead wheelchair producers are Invacare and Whirlwind Wheelchair International.

What Is an Electric Wheelchair?

An electric wheelchair (or a power wheelchair) is a chair that uses electric power in order to move the wheels. They are mostly used by people who don’t have enough strength to move their arms. These motorized wheelchairs uses batteries that need to be recharged on a regular basis.

Types of Power Wheelchairs

The Folding, Lightweight Power Wheelchair

These power wheelchairs have a pretty similar design with the manual wheelchairs, but they have two motors and rechargeable batteries. They are made for indoor use. They have small wheels in front. These wheelchairs are controlled with the use of a small joystick. Quadriplegics, who cannot move their hands, may use a special device for breath or mouth control.

The advantage of the folding power wheelchairs is that they are easy to use in very small spaces. Anyway, it is not very safe to use them outdoors.

The Lightweight Power-Assisted Wheelchair

For most of the time, these wheelchairs are used in the same way as manual wheelchairs. This model of power wheelchair is ideal for a quadriplegic or paraplegic person, who needs to use his arms for the benefit of the physical exercise. The electric power is used when the user gets tired or has to climb inclines.

The Non-Folding, Stand-Up Power Wheelchair

This model of power wheelchair has a special function to help people who cannot stand by themselves be stood up when they have a face-to-face conversation with someone standing up or for some household chores. They do not have casters so they are more difficult to use in small spaces. It is advised to use the standing-up function only on perfectly flat surfaces.

The Outdoor Power Wheelchair

This power wheelchair has been designed a long time ago, mostly for being used in rural areas. It weights up to 500 pounds so it is very unsuitable for being used in the apartment. Nevertheless, it is very efficient outdoors and can also be used in public buildings, hotels or hospitals.

The Indoor Stair-Climbing Power Wheelchair

This power wheelchair is built to be used in apartments and public buildings. Apart from the basic power wheelchair functions, it also has a stair-climbing facility.

The Combined Indoor-Outdoor Power Wheelchair

This type of power wheelchair tries to mix the characteristics of indoor and outdoor wheelchairs in order to reduce costs and storage space. Anyhow, they do have lots of safety limitations and many functions are performed poorly.

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