Why You Should Use An Organic Skin Care Product


You’ve probably heard that ‘green’ is the new black. It seems every time you turn on the t.v. or look at a newspaper someone is talking about what you can do to go green. One of the things you can do that is very easy, is to use an organic skin care product.

Our nation fell in love with chemicals and all the wondrous things they could do around 4 decades ago. Since then, though, we’re noticing higher cancer rates and higher rates of Autism in children. No one is saying that these things are directly related to 40 years of chemical use in our food, our water and even in our soil, but you have to wonder if it does play a part.

Using organic products that haven’t been treated with any chemicals and that are all natural, could be a great way to help protect you and your family from any risks that may be associated with the use of chemicals.

Personal care products that are organic won’t have any ingredients that have been treated with chemicals or any man made chemicals added.

Your skin is the biggest organ in your body. I know that we don’t usually think of the skin as an organ, but it is. So think for a minute what would be the impact if you used a body lotion, filled with man made, potentially toxic chemicals, all over your body. That’s a lot of chemicals that will soak right into your bloodstream.

Many of the products on the market now for skin care actually do more harm than good. The harsh chemicals will dry out your skin and the lotions are too big at a molecular level to be absorbed properly so they sit on top of your skin creating a barrier that prevents moisture from reaching the lower layers of skin.

This has the effect of blocking pores which can lead to acne as well as drying out your skin since moisture isn’t reaching where it needs to. Then you add more lotion because your skin feels dry. This creates a vicious cycle that’s not only bad for your skin, it’s also expensive since you’ll have to keep buying more lotion.

Using organic products does help the planet too. The pesticides and other chemicals they use in the manufacture of most products will end up in a land fill in one way or another, eventually.

It just makes sense to try to alleviate as many potentially harmful chemicals from your life as you can. Using an organic skin care product is a great first step to a healthy, less toxic life.