HEPA Air Cleaners Highly Efficient Cleaning


HEPA air cleaners are one of the most effective ways to remove even the smallest of particles from the air in your home. Using technology developed by the government in the 1950s to protect servicemen from radioactive particles, HEPA air cleaners will reliably and efficiently keep the atmosphere in your home free from wandering particles.

The HEPA in the HEPA air cleaner stands for high efficiency particulate arresting, which basically means that the HEPA filter is supremely good at stopping the unwanted critters floating around in your air. The holes in HEPA air cleaners filters are only 0.3 microns in size (that’s 0.00001182 inches for the non-scientists among us), ensuring the capture of not only visible dust and other particles, but many of the nasty bacteria and viruses that have taken residence in the air in our home.

The HEPA air cleaner filter is also very large, but folded many times, like a concertina, so that it fits nicely within a small container. The large size of the filter means that far larger amounts of air can be processed simultaneously, meaning that, for you, your air becomes cleaner at a very fast rate.

The efficiency of HEPA air cleaners it is claimed to remove 99.7 percent of air particles makes it the most popular choice in allergy relief air purifiers. Any allergy sufferer knows all too well the agonising discomfort that can be caused by pollen or pet hairs and a HEPA air cleaner can eliminate these and other harmful substances from the air. Most doctors recommend HEPA as the most effective technology available for allergy relief air purifiers.

HEPA purifiers, however, are not air odor cleaners. While the 0.3 microns filter holes ensure the entrapment of many airborne particles, the molecular structure of chemicals and odors means that they will still be able to pass through. Many HEPA manufacturers eliminate this problem by combining air odor cleaner technology in their HEPA units, ensuring for you the best of both worlds.

So whether you are an allergy sufferer or would simply like the peace of mind of a cleaner, safer atmosphere in your home, a HEPA air cleaner is the right choice for you.

HEPA air cleaners, technology at work.