Herpes- Genital Herpes Tretament


Genital Herpes- what is it?

Genital Herpes is caused by virus type 2 of Herpes Simplex. Virus type 1 produces cold sores of herpes. Genital herpes spreads by sexual contact. Any kind of sexual contact will infect you with genital herpes if your partner is a carrier. Oral sex is equally contagious. Herpes never gets eliminated from the body. The virus will remain for life in your body. Please find out more about the treatment of Genital herpes. Treatment is done only when genital herpes flares up. Till then the virus will remain dormant in the body. You may get one or many flare-ups in your lifetime. After you treat genital herpes flare up, the skin heals again and the virus goes back in the dormant state. As I said earlier, it never gets out of the body.

Genital Herpes- flare up

After getting the virus because of sexual contact you may not show the diseases for many days. After that also the initial flare up is many times so mild that the patient commonly ignores it. The second flare up that may occur anytime after the first flare up may be severe. The time gap between the two flare-ups may be months or years. The typical signs will be ulcerating sores on the genitals, fever, muscle ache etc. women may develop ulcerating sores inside genitalia and cervix. If they don’t show any sores outside, this flare up may be treated for some other diseases unless a proper blood examination is performed. Many times the first and the subsequent flare-ups are equally severe. It is also seen that some people only get one incidence in their life and herpes does not return after that. Genital herpes flare-ups cannot be predicted. When the flare-up is severe, it discomforts a lot. The sores that ulcerate on the genitals and near the anal area can be quite painful.

Whenever anyone gets a flare-up of Genital herpes he/she should keep away from any sexual contact till the skin heals totally. You area very active carrier when you have a flare up of genital herpes. If your partner has any flare-up, protect yourself by abstaining from any sexual contact with him/her.

Genital Herpes- treatment

Whenever you get a flare up of genital herpes, your doctor will prescribe anti viral medicines. This will shorten the period of the flare up and also reduce the intensity of the symptoms. After the treatment, herpes virus goes back in the body and remains dormant till the next flare up.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.