High Cholesterol and Your Health


High cholesterol is a big and invisible danger. Because of the invisible nature of high cholesterol, many people tend to ignore the dangers associated with it. Because they can’t really tell what’s going on, people don’t worry about it as they should. However, having high cholesterol can lead to serious health problems if left untreated. It is important to do everything that you can to keep your cholesterol levels at a healthy level and get your cholesterol checked regularly.

To get your cholesterol checked, your physician will tell you that you cannot eat twelve hours or so before the blood test, which is the way your physician will test your cholesterol levels. During this test, your HDL, LDL, and triglyceride levels will be checked. Your HDL is typically referred to as “good cholesterol,” as this form of cholesterol prevents artery blockages. It is your LDL level that you should really be concerned about, as this type of cholesterol is what builds up and creates blockages in your arteries.

While anyone can suffer from high cholesterol, ultimately a patient’s background will be the deciding factor on whether or not they will be at risk for more serious health complications. A patient that has high blood pressure, smokes, is overweight, or has a background that might lead to a possibility of heart trouble might increase the risk of heart problems due to high cholesterol. This is why this test is so important.

The blood test, known as a lipid panel, is sent to a lab, and the results are given back to your physician, who will then inform you of the results. You will be advised of your LDL, HDL, triglycerides, and the total cholesterol levels. While the acceptable numbers for each vary by individual, only your physician will be able to tell you what the appropriate levels should be and how your results compare. Your physician will then be able to help you come up with a plan to assist in lowering your cholesterol should it be high and potentially dangerous to your health.

If you find that you have been diagnosed with high cholesterol, you should work with your doctor and make some significant changes to your lifestyle. Cutting out bad habits that might be assisting in your high cholesterol can be the first step in lowering your cholesterol levels. When paired with a diet that is cholesterol-friendly and proper exercise, your health will show a great change. Don’t let high cholesterol be a silent killer – take steps to protect yourself.