Cymbalta and Weight Loss Don’t Risk It


There has been much news coverage on Cymbalta and weight Loss that can result from using it. Cymbalta is a drug used to treat depression and other physiological disorders and you should never take this medicine unless your doctor has prescribed it for you.

Do not believe all the stories you hear about this being the new wonder weight loss drug. In quite a few patients, it has been linked to weight gain. Even if this drug did cause weight loss, it is never a good idea to take medicine that has not been prescribed by a registered physician. Some of the weight loss is caused by a loss of appetite while the nausea and diarrhoea would also account for some people losing excess pounds.

These types of drugs can cause serious side effects in some patients. These side effects include mild complaints such as nausea and diarrhoea though Cymbalta has also been linked to suicidal thoughts. Nobody should risk losing their life while trying to lose weight.

Instead of trying Cymbalta why not change your lifestyle. Make an appointment with your personal physician and have a full physical examination to rule out any medical reasons for your weight gain. Your medical practice should have someone available who specialises in helping people to lose weight. This person will help you to determine how overweight you are, if in fact you have a weight problem. Sometimes in our quest to resemble our favourite celebs, we forget that our frame and age may not match theirs. Our bank accounts almost certainly doesn’t and neither does our staff include a personal trainer, hairdresser, personal shopper etc.

You have to be realistic when approaching a weight problem. Taking weight loss pills or juices is not the answer. You need to change your diet. You cannot keep eating the same foods and expect to lose weight. I do not believe that anyone should follow an eating plan that prohibits a total food group. Not only do you risk not getting all your nutrients and minerals but you could also end up craving that particular food and your diet plan will fail as you feel deprived. You cannot live on 1000 calories a day which is all that is allowed by some diets. Your body will go into starvation mode making it harder to lose weight.

The largest component of your diet should be fruit and vegetables followed closely by starchy foods. Next on your list should be protein, followed by dairy foods. The smallest components of your new diet are those foods that would be banned on other programs i.e. chocolate etc. I am not suggesting that you eat a bar of chocolate every day but a square of good quality plain chocolate once in a while is not going to push you over the top of the obesity bar.

Be sensible when trying to lose weight and forget about quick fix solutions. Whilst Cymbalta and weight loss may be linked, you would be much wiser to follow a lifestyle change rather than putting your health at risk.