Easy Diets for the Busy Woman


Easy diets are important because women today are busy. They don’t have time to develop recipes around specific fat to carbohydrate ratios, cook elaborate dinners, or make separate meals for themselves while still providing nutritious food for their families. Fortuanately there are easy diets out there that solve this problem.

Weight Watchers, for instance, is perfect for the busy woman. There are no “forbidden foods,” elaborate recipes, or fancy food combinations. Instead, each food is given a points value based on its calorie, fat, and fiber quotient. Then, the dieter is given a maximum number of points to be used each day. There are also floating points for the week that can either be divided up equally over the days or used for a once a week splurge.

There ware weekly meetings on the Weight Watchers program. At these meetings, dieters weigh in and have their weight recorded and attend a 30 minute pep rally. Seasonal issues like dealing with eating during the holidays are always addressed. There are no special foods to buy. There is an initiation fee and a $10/week meeting fee that is charged whether you attend your meeting or not. Over all, this is one of the most easy diets that you will find.

You should be able to make the same kinds of foods for your family that you make for yourself. While you might choose to eat less than you normally would or skip the potato or desert course to stay under your point limit, you will find that you can eat with your family at all times.

Another of my recommended easy diets is Jenny Craig. With Jenny Craig, you are given a pre-set menu and most of your meals are provided for you. You simply buy the produce for salads, fruit snacks, etc. You meet with a weight counselor once a week to monitor your progress and buy your next week’s worth of meals. Some of the meals are shelf stable, but the tastier ones tend to be frozen.

Jenny Craig is expensive. In addition to an initiation fee, the meals you buy will cost you more than comparable groceries will. Additionally, you will have to go to the grocery store to buy your produce.

You will not be able to eat the same foods as your family when you follow Jenny Craig’s easy diets. You will need to prepare normal foods for the non-dieters at your table and bring your frozen food to dinner. If you are single, however, the portion controlled foods make Jenny Craig one of the easy diets to follow.

Nutrisystem is a cheaper version of Jenny Craig and an equally easy diets to follow. While you won’t visit your counselor in person, you will have access to him or her over the phone. The food is much less expensive, but it is all shelf stable. It is mailed in 4 week boxes. As such, it doesn’t taste very good, in my opinion. You still have to go to the grocery store to buy produce, but most of the food is shipped to you in the box. Again, you won’t be able to sit down to dinner with the family, but cooking the Nutrisystem food is no problem.

So, there you have it, three easy diets that won’t complicate your life while you are loosing weight.