Workout Choices Find the Best Exercise Video for Weight Loss


One of the best ways to get a good workout these days is to use an exercise video. How do you find the best exercise video for weight loss? The best exercise video for losing weight for someone else might not be the best one for you.

Much like the meals we eat and the movies we enjoy, the type of exercise we do is a very personal choice. Your spouse or best friend might really enjoy running. But if you hate running, it’s not going to be the best weight-loss exercise for you.

Why should you spend five days a week doing an activity that you dislike? Even if it’s the best way to lose weight for most people, hating it will simply make you less likely to do it. So you need to find an exercise that you enjoy.

When you’re trying to find the best weight-loss exercise video, you might have to go through a few before you find one you really like. There are so many to choose from today, but at least you have a good chance of finding several you enjoy.

If you don’t want to purchase these DVDs and end up with a collection of exercise videos that you won’t use, you can rent them to try them before you buy. You may be able to find them at your local library so that you don’t even have to pay to rent them.

Trying several different ones is important. You can find weight-loss videos that let you walk in place in front of your television. If walking in place for 30 to 60 minutes is something that you think you would enjoy, there are several series of this type weight loss video.

There are weight-loss videos that lead you through aerobic dancing routines. You can find hundreds of these all based around a different type of dance and different fitness levels. Then there are the standard workouts with things like jumping jacks and some form of adaptive kickboxing moves.

If you love dancing or think you would enjoy that for exercise than there are so many different videos you could never possibly try them all. Rent or borrow from the library until you find a few that you enjoy and then purchase them.

You might run into a situation where you enjoy the exercise and the workout, but don’t like the instructor. Don’t give up on that particular weight-loss exercise video. Once you become familiar with the moves, you can turn the volume down and play music while you do it.

Also, don’t be too swayed by other people’s reviews of these weight-loss exercise videos. If you’re looking online for a video, you might be hesitant about trying the weight loss DVD because some other people didn’t like it. But you don’t know them, their fitness levels or their personalities. And exercise is a personal choice.

The best exercise video for weight loss for you might be one that lots of other people didn’t really enjoy.