Fruit and Vegetable Diet: Tips on how to make it fun.


We are often told: for better health we should eat 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables daily. The reasons for this are convincing enough, better health, anti-aging, improved fitness and a host of others, but like anything else we need to know just how to a fruit and vegetable diet, staying on it and making it fun and not boring.

Many factors do determine one’s success at eating such a diet that involves a high amount of fruits and vegetables and being the very basis of the dietetic lifestyle emphasized in the drugless fraternity, let’s go over the proper methods applicable based on years of research and experience on just how to eat these substances for optimal health.

Fruit and Vegetable Diet: How to eat your Fruits

1. First eat whatever is in season till you are satisfied. Wait ten minutes and treat yourself to 7-10 medium sized dates, wait 10 minutes and eat a stalk of celery or a leaf or 2 of plain lettuce.

2. Try to stay calm and immobile as much as possible after eating sitting upright for 10-15 minutes. (Although laughter does aid with digestion, of course when undertaken in moderation)

3. Do not eat acid fruits except for tomatoes after 2 pm on any occasion, not even their juices. They are best assimilated in the earlier part of the day.

4. Wash all fruits thoroughly (plain dishwashing liquid may suffice) but be careful to not have them sitting in the soapy water so long as to absorb the suds, wash briskly and rinse right away. Then immerse or soak in drinking water to ensure that you don’t consume tap water. Of course this is not necessary for bananas.

5. Do not store fruits in the fridge or where they are covered, let them breathe as much as possible.

6. Limit yourself to 5 oranges a day, if need be for that many and let your taste buds judge for you.

Fruit and Vegetable Diet: How to eat your Vegetables

1. Rinse your leafy vegetables under cold running water and re rinse with drinking water.

2. Don’t use soap to wash them because by nature they will absorb the suds which you might end up ingesting.

3. Store them in a clean plastic bag that you should pick up from the stores where you purchase them fresh.

4. Leave a little breathing space for the leaves by not sealing the bag shut.

5. Keep them in the fridge and pull out say 20-30 minutes before use.

6. For root vegetables all needed is the brief rinse and peeling before they are cooked in drinking water without salt.

7. Vegetables are best saved for night times, although they are powerful cleansers, they are not as proactive as fruit and thus would give you a much calmer sleep, not unless you have done a fast of a few to several days and are breaking it with fruit.

8. Try to consume leafy veggies within 5-7 days after purchasing them from the store.

In adhering to the suggestions listed above and with a wise combination of this dietetic lifestyle, proper exercise and mental attunements, you are well on your way to achieving bountiful health, improved fitness and longevity.