Phytochemicals Give Noni Juice Health Power


In reading recent health research, you may have heard about phytochemicals and their health benefits. So, what are they and what do they do?

Phytochemicals are chemicals found in plants. These chemicals are made of protective and, possibly, disease-preventing compounds. Researchers have found more than 900 different phytochemicals in food, and they continue to discover more every day. For example, only one serving of vegetables contains more than 100 phytochemicals.

The evaluation of phytochemicals for their medicinal uses began in 1980 at the National Cancer Institute Chemoprevention Program of the Division of Cancer Prevention and Control. For years, these chemicals have been known to protect plants. But the thought of using them to treat human disease is relatively new.

So what foods can give you the most of these helpful chemicals? Plant scientists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture

studied the noni plant and found that it is endowed with a greater number and variety of health-giving phytochemicals than just about any plant known. The plant is grown in tropical climates, like those in Polynesia, and has been used for years in Polynesian culture to treat pain, inflammation, joint problems, immune system, headaches, indigestion and other ailments.

Scientific authorities have listed 23 different phytochemicals found in noni, along with five vitamins and three minerals.

As research continues on the noni plant, researchers are beginning to discover even more possible benefits from the noni plant and its juice.

The health benefits of this fruit are available in noni juice supplements from Nature’s Youth. Nature’s Youth Noni Juice contains pure noni, grown and processed in Tahiti, and natural fruit juice for flavoring.