The Truth About the Meat We Eat Pt. 1


There are so many topics to discuss which affect our health that it is hard to choose just one at a time.

First, I want to remind everyone that the premise of this site is Unhealthy Soil = Unhealthy Plants and Animals = Unhealthy People.

With that in mind, let’s discuss meat, fish and meat substitutes. I just read an article by some well meaning person who was bragging that chicken and soy are good for you WRONG!

If you consider how our ancestors developed in the last 10,000+ years, you will realize they ate non-chemical meats, berries, and nuts things that they could forage. They ate deer, buffalo, birds and other types of meat. The common thing all these meat sources shared was that they were grass fed and loaded with Omega III’s and other beneficial fatty acids. However crude it was, they also caught fish. If they were inland it was fresh water, but if they were close to the ocean it was sea food.

The land was also untouched and the grasses and other plants grew and died and went back into the soil year after year. Because of this, the meat from the animals and fish in the streams (or sea food) were loaded with trace minerals. The nuts and berries were also loaded with trace minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes. With this combination, we had healthy soil, healthy plants and animals, and healthy people.

Fast forward to the present – what do we have today? Grain-fed chemical beef, chemical chicken, cancerous fish from fresh water, toxic sea food, no trace minerals from fruits and vegetables, and genetically engineered grains grown with toxic fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and fungicides.

We see all kinds of articles suggesting that chicken is healthier than beef. Before you get all warm and fuzzy with this thought, think about the things that go into the average cattle and chicken diets before they get to your grocery shelves.

In my next newsletter I’ll talk about these diets and what the cows and chickens go through before you bring them home for supper. It will not be appetizing.

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healthy, sound, wholesome, robust, hale, well mean enjoying or indicative of good health. healthy implies full strength and vigor as well as freedom from signs of disease. Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for an organism. Food is usually of plant or animal origin, and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals.