Things You Should Know About A Vegan Lifestyle


1. Liquids are often healthy and easy to take. In a usual vegan house, it is a common for people to begin the day with either fresh fruit juices or a vegetable smoothie. You can often maintain a diet for green liquids at any time of the day. This can give you some extra energy. Plus, it is very healthy for you because it can give your digestive system a break for heavy digesting.

2. The most common misconception about a vegan diet is that it is quite impossible to consume your recommended daily protein intake. Animal products are high in protein we cannot easily have enough protein from a usual vegan diet. Fortunately, we really don’t need a high amount of protein to begin with. The recommended daily allowance for protein is 30 grams per 100 pounds of body weight. Suppose you weigh 150 pounds, you need about 45 grams of protein every day. This can easily be consumed with a vegan diet.

3. Vegan cooking is synonymous for some with preparing tofu and organic yeast. A booming interest in ethical cooking, however, has created young chefs to think that most cultures have different vegan meals that are delicious and can be added in their specialty cuisines. There are recipes from Middle East such as hummus, tahini and falafel and North Africans have stews, tangine. Also, Indians have curry as well as stir fry among Asians.

4. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans are very low in fat and contain no cholesterol at all. These foods are also rich in fiber and nutrients. Vegans usually get all proteins that our body needs from legumes such as beans and peanuts, grains such as corn and rice. Spinach, lima beans, and broccoli contain fortified juices and Soya milk that are rich sources of calcium. Some vegetables and beans such as chickpeas, pinto beans and spinach are also iron rich and a high source of Vitamin B12.

5. A high consumption of fruits and vegetables is attributed to the reduction for cardiovascular diseases, most kinds of cancers and other severe chronic eye diseases such as cataract and macular degeneration.

6. Legumes such as beans and lentils are high sources of protein, fiber and other nutrients that help in protecting the body against numerous diseases.

7. High consumption of whole grain products is also attributed to a reduced risk for heart disease, blood pressure, colon cancer and diabetes mellitus.

8. Regular eating of nuts and berries is associated with a reduced risk for heart diseases and increases a person’s longevity.