Healthy Baby Food – When is the Best Time to Start Consuming Juice


Mother’s milk is the best choice for healthy baby food. However, there will be a time when the baby needs much more nutrients as they grow up and mother’s milk can not accomplish it anymore. This will be the time your baby needs some soft food from cereal, fruits or vegetables.

As Dr. Bernard Jensen said in his Juicing Therapy book that the best time for your baby to start consuming juice as healthy baby food is when their weight has been two times heavier or more compare to their born-weight, that is about 7 kilograms. At this point, babies are able to consume up to 64 pounds of bottle milk.

Some doctors have some different opinions about this idea, that is when babies attain the age of six months or at any other time when babies can hold their own plastic straw cup.

Apple juice can be the first choice for your healthy baby food after mother’s milk, besides, you can choose one between white grape or pier juice. Remember that home made juice is the best. Strain the juice well and carefully to ensure your baby does not take the juice waste. Mix the juice with purified water in 1:1 portion.

You can also add one teaspoon of green leafy vegetable juice to your baby’s milk bottle once in two days. Spinach, broccoli or parsley are perfect healthy baby food, they are source of Ferrum (which milk alone can not accomplish), electrolyte and chlorophyll. Anemia case in babies who are merely feed more milk and less soft solid food is not impossible thing.

Therefore, this green vegetable juice is one thing you have to pay a lot of attention, one teaspoon only not more, you have to consider its high concentrate, too.

It is important to notice that, if your baby react to some certain juice by diarrhea or vomiting, leave and wait for some another one-month and then try again. If the problem still persist, you better talk to your doctor.

As your baby growing up and they are getting more and more body weight, reduce the water content in their juice gradually so that finally they will consume the wholly juice.

For discovering more facts about vegetable juice besides as healthy baby food visit

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