Seniors Are Falling and Can’t Get Up


A few years ago there was a commercial whose tag line proclaimed, “I’ve fallen and can’t get up.” As we age, we are faced with a new series of problems different than those faced in our youth, the most prevalent of which is falling (sometimes fatally). Falls are becoming more and more common with the senior population, averaging 1 out of every 3 persons over the age of 65 who live independently in their own home. The numbers increase to 1 out of every 2 for those over the age of 75. The numbers become even more staggering – 70% of accidental deaths in people over the age of 75 result from falls. We are faced with an estimated $79 billion paid out in medical expenses each year as a result of falls. Yet, with the increase in medical costs, we sit and watch as our parents, grandparents, and friends suffer needlessly with little to no intervention. Are there simple solutions to this debilitating and paralyzing threat that plagues our senior population? Or do we hope and pray that our loved ones will not be another statistic.

Falls may be preventable. It takes a little work, a little planning, and sometimes a little courage. Recently, the United States Congress addressed these very issues by introducing The Elder Fall Prevention Act of 2002. This bill, if passed, will allow for public funds to be used for the education of seniors in fall prevention, as well as fund the research for services to be extended under Medicare/Medicaid. Until this sweeping piece of legislation is passed, what other options do seniors and their families have to deal with this concern? First, they must understand who is at risk for a fall. Those who experience any of the following physical or environmental factors may be at risk:

Four or more medications

Loose carpeting/throw rugs

Low blood pressure

Unstable chairs

Visual deficits

Poor lighting

Balance disorders


Weakness/muscle tightness

Lack of bathroom equipment

Slowed reflexes

The risk of a debilitating fall increases as the number of factors increases in one’s life. There are also numerous reasons people fall, most of which are genetically disposed:

65 years old or older


Early onset of menopause

Foot disorders

Poor oral hygiene (poor fitting dentures)

Parkinson’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease

Family history of falls


Fear of falling

There are numerous other factors that may predicate a senior falling. If you feel that you or a loved one is at risk, seek help immediately. But where does one turn for help? We recommend starting with your doctor or pharmacist. Take all of the medications currently prescribed by all of your physicians, as well as any over the counter medication you take regularly and putting them in a brown paper bag (in their original bottles). Ask your healthcare professional if any of these can cause drowsiness, dizziness, or balance problems when used with any of the other medicines in your bag.

Second, talk to your doctor if you recently have experienced hearing, visual, or balance changes within the past 12 months. Have you fallen in the past 12 months as well? Most people have difficulty discussing this matter with their doctors, but this information is imperative if the problem is to be corrected or avoided in the future. Ask your physician if there is an appropriate exercise program that incorporates strengthening, balance and endurance. This may call for a referral to a physical therapist for a number of visits.

Third, we must review the safety of our own homes. Are there throw rugs that can cause tripping? Are there routine items on the floor or overhead that may cause your center of balance to be shifted, causing a fall? Do you have bathroom safety equipment, such as grab bars, skid strips in the shower or tub, and a shower chair? Are your hallways and bedroom well lit? Consider placing a night light in each of these areas to illuminate walking paths.

Falls can be prevented in most cases. Routine home safety checks, exercise,
and education do go a long way. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, “She says she wants to keep living in her home. We say it starts by keeping her on her feet.” There is no need for a senior to live in fear, or to be displaced physically from their life. We just have to help keep them standing.

Hearts of Joy Senior Care, a member of The Senior’s Choice, provides an affordable, non-medical, in-home companion care service for seniors, which enables them to maintain their independence, as well as dignity and self-respect. Marc and Susan speak around the valley on numerous topics regarding senior care, with a primary focus on fall prevention and home safety. Hearts of Joy Senior Care Inc. can be reached at (480) 948-4655.

Hearts of Joy Senior Care, a member of The Senior’s Choice, provides an affordable, non-medical, in-home companion care service for seniors, which enables them to maintain their independence, as well as dignity and self-respect. Marc and Susan speak around the valley on numerous topics regarding senior care, with a primary focus on fall prevention and home safety. Hearts of Joy Senior Care Inc. can be reached at (480) 948-4655.