The Work Environment in Healthy Aging


Healthy aging is sometimes risky during your working days. As a younger person you go where the money is at; then later you are sorry you worked there.

Aging is hard to think about when you are in your younger years. Money is the only thing on our minds and sometimes that isn’t good. Sometimes we have to take what is available to take care of our family and at the same time, we could be putting ourselves in danger later on.

We all have had to work in places that were not good for your health but we have to make a living to keep a roof over our heads. Some work places are not good to be in because of chemicals, dust, and smoke.

Working in a wood shop making furniture isn’t good for the lungs and can cause lung disease. Some machines require glue to put the parts together. Glue is something else, that you can get fumes from into your lungs. Eventually you may get too much sawdust or glue fumes into your lungs causing cancer or asthma.

Working in the coalmines is another bad place to work. Coal Miners working as a lifetime worker is always at risk. The black coal dust gets into the lungs just like dust from the furniture and it can cause severe lung diseases. It is known that men have died from working so many years in the coalmines.

The sawmill industry is the number one dangerous job for anyone to work in. Working in a sawmill during the winter, which is the peak of the season can cause the men to get sick from the cold, respiratory problems can accrue from the cold weather. Trees fall and men are stuck under them sometimes causing death to them and/or many injuries. As we age, our bones weaken and brittle and when a tree falls on someone in there 50’s that isn’t a good thing.

Fishermen working in the fish industry have a hard and dangerous job to do too. Aging doesn’t stop and these men are out in the middle of the river somewhere and the storms hit sometimes turning the ship over. The work is heavy and dangerous; could cause them back injuries; they could drown. Still, you are in nature so the job doesn’t put you at risk as some other types of jobs.

Truck drivers have a dangerous job being on the road all the time with a schedule to meet in order to make the big money. Truckers will drive and drive with lack of sleep endangering themselves and others too. Truckers on the road in the 60’s are at risk, since it isn’t good for their health to be out on the road all the time. Their health will drop due to the fact they eat many fast foods, and lack of sleep.

As the aging process advances on us, we all need to think about what we are breathing into our lungs or doing to our bodies. The diets we get at the work place are not usually well balanced like they should be.

Pushing ourselves to make money is harmful to our bodies and mind. The mind necessitates sleep in order to function properly the next day and the body needs the right diet and sleep to keep from breaking down and causing a number of diseases and illness. Without the proper diet and exercise, our bones will become brittle and weak causing fractures later on in life. Consider your workplace now so that you can live a healthy aging life.