Hypotheses on Autism Causes


Autism is a very serious neurological disorder, determining dramatic behavioral changes in children that are affected by it, considerably altering their psychical and physical development. Autism is responsible for modifications in social interactions, cognitive function and also communication skills. Autistic children are susceptible to allergies, different respiratory conditions, digestive problems, epilepsy, recidivating viral diseases, sleeping disorders and digestive problems.

Autism causes haven’t yet been fully clarified. In the case of autistic children, the factors responsible for perturbing their normal neurological activity are still under debate. A very interesting aspect of the disorder is regressive autism. Children diagnosed with regressive autism develop normally until they suddenly experience behavioral changes and speech deficiencies.

Scientists believe that autism causes are of multiple natures. Studies indicate different interrelated factors that might trigger the disorder. Experts claim that certain genetic factors might be responsible for the development of autism. Research results also reveal that there are environmental, metabolic and immunologic factors involved in acquiring autism.

Statistics indicate the hereditary characteristic of autism. In the case of families with already one autistic child, there is a great possibility of having another child susceptible to the development of the disorder. Due to genetic perturbations, there are chances between three and ten percent for families with one affected child of having another autistic child.

It is believed that several different genes determine the development of autism. However, in present scientists are unable to establish a connection between the malfunctioning genes and autism. Although the presence of genetic components in the development of autism has been confirmed, actual autism causes are still debatable.

Studies in the field indicate connections between autism and previous illnesses or disorders such as metabolic conditions, severe bacterial infections, genetic disorders, neurological disorders or brain anomalies. However, although these disorders are thought to increase the chances of developing forms of autism, they alone can’t lead to acquiring autism, as research findings indicate that the majority of children suffering from such diseases aren’t autistic. It is strongly believed that autism causes are genetic components interacting with environmental perturbations.

In the past, there were many theories that sustained the psychological character of autism. Parents were most often blamed for autistic disorders developed by their children, due to beliefs that autism causes were emotional traumas in the child’s first years of life. However, today this hypothesis has been contradicted by researches in the field.

The actual autism causes remain an enigma, although such neurological disorders have attracted the attention of many scientists and medical experts. Although studies have contradicted many inaccurate suppositions and beliefs, modern science can’t yet provide medicine with a concrete, plausible answer for autism causes.