Know the Benefits and the Disadvantages of Taking Birth Control Pills


Today, sexually active young and adult women have wide variations of birth control options to choose from. Among the most popular contraceptive options are the barrier methods, the hormonal methods, the natural family planning, and sterilization.

In the various birth control methods developed for females, majority of them prefer to use birth control pills, for these are highly noted for their efficiency, usage convenience, and affordability. Aside from the pills’ effectiveness in preventing unwanted pregnancies, oral contraceptives also provide other health benefits to users, thus, making them one of the most in-demand forms of birth control methods in the market.

Despite the safety claims of birth control pill, this type of oral contraception also has some risks and complications with regard to the intake. Since oral contraceptions require prescription from health practitioners or gynecologists, it is a must for sexually active women to know the benefits and disadvantages of taking pills before deciding to use them.

Below is list of the benefits and disadvantages of each type of birth control pill:

1. Progestin-only pill or POP


a. This pill can lessen or relieve menstrual pain and cramps.

b. This pill can avoid or decrease blood loss during the menstrual cycle.

c. This pill is highly recommended for women who just delivered their babies for breast-feeding.

d. It is easy to discontinue the intake.


a. This pill requires a strict intake schedule.

b. This pill causes irregular bleeding cycle.

c. This pill is less effective than the combination types of oral contraceptive.

d. This pill does not protect the user from STDs.

2. Combination pill


a. This pill lessens cramps, pain, and menstrual blood loss.

b. This pill lessens the user’s susceptibility to cancer, ovarian cysts, and topical pregnancy.

c. This pill lessens the user’s premenstrual symptoms.

d. This pill regularizes a woman’s menstrual cycle.

e. This pill can treat the physical and emotional symptoms of premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

f. This pill has positive effects on cholesterol.

g. This pill helps improve acne condition.


a. This pill may cause hypertension.

b. This pill may cause spotting, nausea, and vomiting.

c. This pill may help in the formation of liver tumors and gallstones.

3. Emergency birth control pill


a. This pill prevents conception even after a few days of unprotected sexual intercourse.

b. This pill is widely available.

c. This pill is a convenient alternative birth control in case other contraception forms failed.


a. This pill may pose difficulty in usage timing. In this type of oral contraception, one should take the first pack within a specific number of hours after engaging in an unprotected sexual intercourse.

b. This pill may cause headache, dizziness, fatigue, vomiting, as well as nausea.

c. This pill may cause bleeding.

d. This pill may cause breast soreness and abdominal pain.

Women should know the above mentioned benefits and disadvantages of the three types of oral contraceptives (even if health practitioners or doctors will most likely discuss them during consultation), for these info will help them decide if birth control pills are suitable for their health condition and lifestyle.