Learn To Be A Better Cook With These Helpful Hints


Many people want to learn how to cook delicious meals, but doing this can be pretty difficult for new beginners. Since cooking skills are based on experience, the more you practice the better you will get. Here in this article are some tips for beginners that can help you get started and avoid common mistakes.

Perfect pasta every time. Never add oil to the water when you are boiling pasta. It prevents the sauce from coating the pasta properly. Just before you drain the pasta, set aside about 1/3 cup of the cooked pasta water. When you mix the sauce with the pasta, add a little of the cooking liquid. The starch in the water adds body and flavor to the sauce.

Are you trying to discover fast ways to cook meals that are nutritious for you and your family? For a quick and easy dish, cook frozen or fresh vegetables in the microwave. Add a small amount of water to bowl of corn, green beans, or broccoli to add a quick, side dish of steamed vegetables to your meal.

Frozen vegetables should only be used as a last resort in home cooking. Though they are cheap and usually available year-round, they fall far short of fresh vegetables in several important areas. Frozen vegetables have lost some of their healthy vitamins and nutrients. They often have unhealthy food additives. They also tend to taste worse than their fresh counterparts.

When your pasta is done and you are finished draining, pour some Parmesan cheese on top, which will give your sauce something to latch on to. This will make things much easier for you when you are creating your meal and allow you to layer the levels of your pasta.

Store your spices and herbs in a area that is cool and dark, and keep them away from the stove. Doing this ensures your spices are always rich with flavor every time you reach for them. Heat, humidity and light will cause your herbs to lose their flavor much faster.

To make a fast and easy roux, you need a stick of butter and two to four tablespoons of flour. Melt the butter over medium heat until it is melted. Then add the flour. Remember, a smaller amount of flour is less likely to scorch. Stir constantly until the mixture is the color of milk chocolate.

If your family tends to eat a lot of chicken and often, remember to always brine the poultry as it will lock in flavor. Otherwise you are left with a dry piece of chicken that merely has whatever spices and herbs you chose coated on the outside rather than penetrating every bite.

When you are making casseroles, roasts, and other things that may stick to the bottom of a baking sheet, you should line the bottom of the pan with foil. This is a good idea because after you are done cooking you can throw the foil away and you will not have a lot of cleaning up to do.

Becoming a great cook is no easy feat. It takes a lot of time and effort, not to mention sometimes making a mess. But these tips can give you valuable advice that others learn through painful mistakes. If you follow these tips, making healthy, delicious meals will be simple and easy.