Magnesium: A Mineral Underestimated


Our legs are probably one of the most active and abused parts of our body. Legs are particularly important for motion and standing. Playing sports, running, and even for breaking a fall. But these legs are also prone to pain as they, in combination with the hips, knees, ankles and feet, move the entire body’s weight and provide support. In many cases, it is nearly impossible to determine the cause of leg cramps and leg pain.

Leg pain is a common symptom and complaint and finding a good leg pain relief can be taxing. Leg pain may include knee, foot, and other leg discomforts. Pain in these areas can stem from injuries or conditions such as fractures, tendinitis (e.g., Achilles tendinitis, tennis elbow), shin splints, and carpal tunnel syndrome. It may also include muscle cramps, injuries, inflammation, nerve damage, dehydration or depletion of potassium, sodium, calcium or the other mineral that is regarded as the “forgotten” mineral.

Magnesium is sometimes regarded as a “moothie” mineral since it has the ability to relax our muscles. Our nerves also depend upon magnesium to avoid becoming over-excited. The use of magnesium as a muscle relaxer is familiar to many individuals who have taken liquid magnesium. Magnesium is usually referred to as a “macromineral,” which means that our food must provide us with hundreds of milligrams of magnesium every day. Inside our bodies, magnesium is found mostly in our bones (60-65%), but also in our muscles (25%), and in other cell types and body fluids. Like all minerals, magnesium cannot be made in our body and must therefore be plentiful in our diet in order for us to remain healthy.

Having an adequate magnesium in our diet can provide leg pain relief. Magnesium is a mineral that is essential to many biological processes that occur in the body. It aids in the body’s absorption of calcium and also plays a key role in the strength and formation of bones and teeth. People at risk for osteoporosis can benefit from taking magnesium. Magnesium is also vital for maintaining a healthy heart. It can help stabilize the rhythm of the heart and helps prevent abnormal blood clotting in the heart. It aids in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. This can significantly lower the chance of heart attacks and strokes, and can even aid in the recovery.

Magnesium also helps maintain proper muscle function. It works to keep muscles properly relaxed. Because of its benefits in relieving stiff muscles, magnesium can be especially beneficial to fibromyalgia patients.

Most people do not maintain proper levels of magnesium. But it would greatly benefit a lot of people if they supplement their diet with magnesium. Health experts frequently emphasize the importance of having adequate levels of vitamins and minerals in the diet. While most people try to stay informed about which vitamins and minerals are most beneficial to their health, there are still many nutrients that have benefits that are underestimated and even forgotten. Magnesium is certainly one of these elements.

Essential for hundreds of chemical reactions that occur in the body every second, the mineral magnesium has received surprisingly little attention over the years. Recent findings, however, suggest that it has important health-promoting benefits.